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Graded Exams: The Benefits

Guitar Teacher Solihull

Graded exams are a great way to get internationally recognised qualifications.

It can be a great discipline to push your playing further and to get you out of that rut you may of become stuck in!

I can enter students into Rockschool examinations on the electric guitar or acoustic guitar.

Electric Guitar teacher Solihull

Acoustic guitar teacher Solihull

The latest Rockschool syllabus has become very modern sounding, with the performance pieces replicating popular Rock and Pop guitar styles from artists such as Arctic Monkey's, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, Ed Sheeran etc. So they're not boring!

Benefits of taking an exam in the guitar:

  • You gain a useful and internationally recognised qualification.

  • Find out via a reliable and independent assessment what standard your playing is.

  • Achieve your playing potential by setting yourself a clear target to aspire to.

  • Preparing for the exam will help you develop all aspects of your playing in a structured way, increasing your knowledge of guitar techniques and music theory.

  • Grades 6 - 8 will gain you UCAS points! This is a great way of supersizing your University application. You can get up to 75 UCAS points awarded at Grade 8!

Exams are usually broken down into these catorgories:

  • Performance pieces

  • Technique (Technical exercises)

  • Chords

  • Sight reading

  • Improvisation or interpretation

  • Ear tests

  • General musicianship

These are all key skills that you will need as a guitarist, developing all aspects of your playing in a structured way and increasing your knowledge of the guitar.

As long as you don't become completely reliant on your grade guitar books then guitar grades can be very beneficial.

I currently have a 100% pass rate with all my students who I have entered into an exam!


Guitar teacher Solihull


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